
Give a spa a second life!

From time to time, we refurbished previously own Softub!  After we are done our work, they are like new and we post those tubs at a great price, with a 90 day warranty!


Old Softub needs refurbishing


Softub looks like a brand new

If you have an old Softub that you don’t want to use anymore and depending on its quality, contact for free pick-up!

Spa :

At this time, we don’t have any refurbished Spa in stock.

Hydromate :

At this time, we don’t have any refurbished Hydromate in stock.

Delivery or pick-up (delivery charges may apply)

Contact me for details

cell: 613-794-3551

Celebrating over 8 years experience in the Sale and Repairs of Softub Canada Products in

Ontario: Ottawa and Greater Ottawa Region

Quebec: L’Outaouais et les environs

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